Area of Interest
These maps are based on a draft map included in a proposal by Liberty Renewables to the Naples, NY Town Board.
The presentation was made on August 1st, 2023. This area is a rough representation of where the turbines could be placed, depending on many factors.
The Liberty Renewables Proposal
wind turbine Database
The United States Wind Turbine Database was created by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) in 2017.
This is a good page to explore if you want to understand the scale and proliferation of Industrial Wind Turbine projects across the country. Newer projects involve taller turbine towers and larger numbers. The NYS goal is to triple renewables by 2030.
USGS Wind Turbine Database
Many of America’s most beloved and biologically rich landscapes are in grave danger. The Audubon Society is leading the way to protect iconic Important Bird Areas and the avian species that depend on them. The Russet Ridge Wind Project would overlap and collide with some of these areas in the Bristol Hills.
Audubon Society IBA Home Page
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